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tv   CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera  CNN  April 6, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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taking to respond in close coordination with our allies and partners. i'm sure you've seen the pictures from bucha and just outside of kyiv, bodies left in streets as russian troops withdrew, some shot in the back of the head with hands tied behind their backs. civilians executed in cold blood. a sense of brutality and inhumanity left for all the world to see unapologetically. there's nothing less happening than major war crimes. responsible nations have to come together to hold these perpetrators accountable. we will keep raising the economic cost and racket up the pain for putin and further increase russia's economic isolation. [ applause ]
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folks, steps already taken are predicted to shrink russia's gross domestic product by double digits this year alone. in one year our sanctions are likely to wipe out the last 15 years of russia's economic gains. and because we've cut them off critical components of quantum technology they need to compete in the 21st century, we're going to stifle russia's ability and its economy to grow for years to come. folks, this is the united states, and we're taking additional steps in lock step with our allies and partners to raise the economic pressure on putin. first, the united states will impose full blocking sanctions on spare bank, by far the largest financial institution in
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russia, and alpha bank, its largest private bank. we're locking down any accounts, any funds that those banks hold in the united states. they will not be able to touch any of their money. they will not be able to do any business here and, second, i'm going to sign an executive order banning any new u.s. investment in russia. more than 600 private sector companies -- [ applause ] folks -- corporate america is stepping up for a change. from mcdonald's to exxon, they've left the russian market on their own accord. 600 of them. think about that. the private businesses choosing to leave russia rather than the risk being associated with putin's brutal war. and this ban on investments will make sure that new money can't come in to russia to replace
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what's left so that russian economy doesn't feel the loss and the loss of these businesses for the long term. third, we're adding to the list of fully blocked russian companies. these companies are major revenue generators owned by the government which putin uses to fund himself and enable his war in ukraine. they will be cut off from doing any business with the united states. they will not be able to access or use any assets they have in the united states. and, fourth, we, along with our european allies are adding the names to the list of russian elites and their families that we're sanctions. did you see these yachts being picked up? no, think about it. think about the incredible amounts of money these oligarchs have stolen. these yachts are hundreds and millions of dollars. look, these oligarchs and their family members are not allowed to hold on to their wealth in europe and the united states and
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keep these yachts worth hundreds of millions of dollars, their luxury vacation homes while children in ukraine are being killed, displaced from their homes every single day. and, finally, we're continuing to supply ukraine with the weapons resources they need to defend their country. last friday -- [ applause ] last friday we announced millions in funding to procure new equipment for ukraine, advanced drones, laser guided rocket systems. i signed another package to send more javelin missiles, the shoulder mounted missiles that can take out tanks and armored vehicles. keep getting an uninterrupted supply to the ukrainian military. we won't be able to advertise every piece of security because our allies and partners are supplying to ukraine through us but advanced weapons and
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ammunition are flowing in every day. as you may have seen yesterday on television when the secretary of defense was being cross-examined by one of our -- how can i say it -- congress persons saying what have you done, and he basically looked at him and said we've trained them and given them weapons. that's what's happening. [ applause ] look -- thanks to the bravery, the grit and the fighting spirit of the ukrainian people russia has already failed in its initial aims. russia wanted to take ukraine's capital city kyiv and topple its elected government. today kyiv still stands and the government presides. the fight is far from over. here is the point, this war
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could continue for a long time, but the united states will continue to stand with ukraine, the ukrainian people in the fight for freedom. and i just want you to know that and, by the way, if i have to go to war, i'm going with you guys. i tell you. i mean it. [ applause ] i want to talk about -- i want to talk about what i'm here today to talk about. you women and men and the american union movement -- >> i'm ana cabrera in new york. you just heard the president there, the u.s. unleashing new sanctions on russia as more horrific images of civilian deaths and destruction pour out of ukraine. the mayor of mariupol compares the suffering in his city to a nazi death camp calling it, quote, the new auschwitz. other city officials there say russian forces are now operating
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mobile crematorium trying to hide civilian deaths. and we have new images from a commuter town just outside kyiv where entire neighborhoods you can see are in ruins. locals fear hundreds are buried in the leveled apartment buildings. new evidence of russian shelling of what is clearly a nonmilitary target, this video from a surveillance camera shows a russian strike on an ambulance parked outside a children's hospital. our correspondents are covering all the latest developments for us. arlette saenz and these new sanctions, sum it up for us. >> reporter: president biden made clear there this new round of sanctions is in response to those brutal scenes coming out of ukraine. president biden saying that he wants to ratchet up the pain for putin. so what do these sanctions look like? full blocking sanctions on one
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of russia's largest financial institutions and one of russia's largest private banks stopping all transactions with american financial institutions as well as freeze the assets these institutions have in the united states. additionally the u.s. will be implementing sanctions on vladimir putin's adult daughters as well as family members of foreign minister sergey lavrov. what is noteworthy about this and a senior administration official says there is the possibility that russian president vladimir putin has been hiding some of his wealth, his assets, with his daughters. they are trying to target that. additionally today a senior administration official also said these sanctions are not necessarily permanent, that russia could reverse course and that could reverse some of the sanctions. everything we have seen coming from russia does not indicate
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that these sanctions have impacted their thinking. putin has still been moving forward with this war waging even more and more brutal campaigns. president biden saying they will continue the assistance into ukraine as they try to help the fighters try to defend themselves. >> nic robertson is in brussels. >> reporter: some of those are in lock step with the united states, the high technology items president biden was talking about there, marking $10.9 billion of high-tech exports to russia off limits now. rare semiconductors, these sorts of things, exactly what president biden was talking about. the europeans going after the energy supplies from the european union from russia. they are saying they're going to ban the use of russian coal. now that is a small fraction in terms of total revenue that goes
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to russia $4.3 billion a year compared to more than approximately $100 billion from gas and oil. the european union also looking at those other sectors, oil potentially more likely than gas in the short term indeed. the uk today announced that it would end getting -- it would end buying russian coal and oil by the end of this year. but the european union, like the united states, targeting key russian banks. the second largest russian bank, they're targeting that. they're also targeting russia's sort of commercial, global commercial interest by denying russian vessels and russian-operated vessels access to eu ports. so you can see this fifth round of sanctions still being worked on here by eu officials. it's very much coordinated and in line with what the united states is doing. banks, individuals, big ticket
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items like coal designed to put that most immediate financial pressure on president putin but, yes, a lot more could be done. >> oil and gas is still going to those countries from russia. nic robertson and arlette saenz, thank you. let's go to southeast ukraine now and some of the most intense fighting and russian assaults happening there. mariupol's mayor says the scale of tragedy in his city hasn't been seen since world war ii. cnn's ivan watson is in the region. what's the latest out of that devastated city, ivan? >> reporter: there have been chilling accusations made by the mayor of that city, by the city council, and we don't believe they're really in mariupol right now because it's been encircled by the military for a month, bombed day and night for a month, with ukrainian defenders still fighting back, holding out in parts of the city and even more disturbing around 100,000
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civilians believed to be trapped in the city amid this urban battle and the ongoing artillery and air strikes of the city. so you have the city council that put out the statement claiming that there are mobile crematorium being used theoretically to burn and dispose of bodies. the city council accusing the russian military of trying to cover its tracks in mariupol. i have interviewed dozens of evacuees who have escaped who have described to me seeing bodies laying around the city, described burying civilians who were caught by the russian artillery in the court yards of their own apartment blocks. another thing that i can confirm is that the international
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committee of the red cross was trying to get in five days, detained by the security forces and had to turn around just shy of the city. they were not allowed in by the russians and did manage to escort around 500 civilians who most of home had flet either in cars or on foot. the red cross helped them in buses. ukrainian-controlled territory that is a glimmer of hope but still a drop in the bucket because there are tens of thousands of additional people believed to be trapped in that city, a city the city council is describing as a death camp . back to you. >> i fear so much what we'll find or what they will find when people other than russians are allowed in there. ivan, i do want to ask you about your interview that you did with somebody who was in hospital who i understand was able to get out, who survived a bombing there in mariupol. tell us about that moment.
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>> reporter: this is a 21-year-old man named dmitry who was hiding with his mother on the night of march 9th in a building when he says they were hit by russian air strike. take a listen. where are you from? >> mariupol. >> reporter: a recent university graduate photographed here with his mother in anatasha. my mother died when this happened to me, he says, adding, i've cried enough already. i'm calmer now. he says on the night of march 9 he and his mother were hiding in the bathroom of a two-story house in the center of mariupol when they heard warplanes overhead bombing the neighborhood. mother and son were hiding in the bathroom shortly before 1:00 a.m., he says, when the bomb hit the house. when he woke up, his legs were gone. he never saw his mother again. >> translator: of course i get angry. i get sad. i get depressed at times. but i can't lose my cool because
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those who did this to me, they probably want me to sit here crying and weeping. >> reporter: dmitry says he plans to travel to germany to reunite with surviving members of his family and hopefully be outfitted with prosthetics so he can one day walk again. that's just one young man's story. >> ivan, thank you for telling dmitry's story and keeping us informed as to what is the brutal reality there on the ground. thank you. let's continue this conversation with the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine. the mayor of mariupol is describing the situation in his city this way. and i quote, the russian fascists turned our whole city into a death camp . this is no longer chechnya or ale
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aleppo. this is the new auschwitz. what goes through your mind? >> you've seen mariupol surrounded by the russian army and bombarded for more than four weeks now and its indiscriminate attacks, taking no care to protect civilians, and a bit ironic. the russian army, a city that was russian language speaking and where 44% were ethnic russians. we're seeing there massive war crimes in russia's assault and the indiscriminate destruction of apartment buildings and residential structures. >> just what we are talking about this moment in mariupol and bucha, how does it impact diplomacy? >> i think it makes diplomacy more difficult. the effort the ukrainians have with the russians thousand to try to negotiate a ceasefire and settlement was already very difficult.
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the ukrainians offered compromises. president zelenskyy said they will accept neutrality. no movement on the russian side which basically amounted to total capitulation by ukraine. and the revelations about what happened in bucha, that's going to, i think, harden ukrainian attitudes and may make it more difficult for the ukrainians to find a settlement here. >> no surprise that would be the result. and so more western sanctions today, other nations trying to hit russia where it counts. this time including putin's daughters. what do we know about putin's family and the potential impact the latest sanctions could have? >> well, my guess is the impact on putin's two daughters will be largely reputational. they're in russia. one lived and was married to a dutch citizen. she actually lived in the netherlands but went back to
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russia after a russian-provided surface-to-air missile killed 300 people. so they're there in russia but the fact they're now under sanction allows people to go and see if they can track down any assets they may have. my guess is vladimir putin has a lot of money out there but it will not be in the bank account under vladimir putin, so my question is, can you look at relatives, associates and try to track down his assets and freeze them in the same way the united states and the european union are trying to freeze the assets of others that have been put on the asset freeze list. >> still have this issue of oil and gas going from europe and the pressure to cut off russian oil and gas. listen to this from an eu official just today. >> translator: we have given ukrained 1 billion euros. it may seem like a lot.
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it is what we pay every day for the energy he provides us. since the beginning of the war we have given 35 billion euros. compare that to the 1 billion euros we have given to ukraine in arms and weapons. >> that was like a, wait, what, moment for me. he said europe has paid russia $35 billion euros since the start of the invasion because of oil and gas. so for all the sanctions levied so far, do they make that big of a dent if russia is still making all this money from energy exports? >> yeah, well, two points. first of all, the sanctions applied so far are going to have an impact. you've seen inflation in russia accelerate. it will soon be double digit. factories are reducing production because they can no longer get imports from the west and the expectation is that the economy is going to contract. in fact, the international financial institute says the russian economy will contract by
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15% this year. we're talking about, in american terms, the scale of the great depression. sanctions will take time to have an impact. the second point on oil and gas is europe faces a dilemma over the last several decades they've allowed themselves to become too dependent on oil and gas from russia and whereas they are now trying to move to reduce that dependence it will be awfully hard. several weeks ago the united states banned imports of oil from russia but that was only about 3% of our consumption. but for european countries, we're talking about 30, 40, and 50%. it will be hard for them to wean themselves off the energy in the near term. the question is can they look at other ways, for example, applying hard tariffs, high tariffs, on russian oil that would force the russians to reduce their price to remain competitive but reduce the amount of money that flows back to moscow. >> well, i'm sure they're looking at all those potential
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options. a.m. bass dore, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. prepared for the long haul. the head of nato is warning this war could last for years as long as putin wants to control all of ukraine. is the world running out of options to stop him? and take a look at this. the powerful moment as pope francis with a flag from the war torn city of bucha. this was met with applause by the crowd in rome. the poempe condemned the killin of civilians. he invited a group of ukrainian children to come up on the stage with him. he has said a trip to ukraine is on the table. o verify my employment status while i was at work, in a giant hole, in a mine.
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an ominous warning from nato's chief. despite russia's push east, putin still wants all of ukraine adding this war could last years. now western officials warn it's too soon to say putin has given up on capturing kyiv. major general paul eaton, thanks for joining us. let's look at the map here. even if russia is no longer focused on this region where we have the capital, if they are going into belarus to resupply, rearm, refuel, even if russian forces are able to get strength down in the southeast region where we're told they're focusing next do you suspect russia is going to take another run at kyiv? >> i don't think so. they failed so badly in combined
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arms operations. the ukrainians have proven to be so much tougher than the russians ever imagined. i believe the logical outcome what we're watching now is reinforcement of the luhansk, the eastern part already contested zones and it will take a while to be able to do that. he has to go around the long way, he has exterior lines. the ukrainians have interior lines. the ukrainians are far more nimble so they are going to be able to set quickly, far more quickly, than the russians to be able to blunt any attempt at going back at kyiv. >> so i pulled up the map of the southeast region because you brought up the donbas region. this is the southeast portion of ukraine. you see mariupol down here and this has been a big focus in recent days. the latest reporting russia still doesn't have control of
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mariupol but they have turned it into what the city's mayor describes as akin to a nazi death camp. here's what doesn't necessarily add up to me. we've been reporting on significant pour ral problems with russian troops, but if that's the case, if they are not fully committed to this mission, how could they still carry out this level of cruelty and b barbarity and inhumanity we are seeing? >> ana, it is inexplicable what we are witnessing right now are thousands and thousands of russian mothers' sons who are capable of doing the very worst that humans can think of. and all these young men, middle-aged men, they've been pulling triggers, pulling laniards, each time creating an
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atrocity, a war crime. and that russian culture could allow this to happen is just beyond the pale. this country has proven itself to be capable of the very worst. and what the russians are doing is going back to form and stalin is attributed with the comment i'll make the rubble bounce. that's about all they can do right now with standoff weapons. that's what we're watching, and that's the real atrocity we're burdened with seeing. >> these are some of the images from mariupol where the international committee of the red cross has been trying to get humanitarian aid in. they've been trying for days. people are trapped in this environment, no food, no water, no electricity. if the red cross and others can't get in, what can or should be done to get people out?
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>> we need to provide ukraine everything they've asked for and that means a gift of expertise to be able to solve the problem, to be able to execute a land bridge into the interior of mariupol to begin the evacuation. we need to give them the wherewithal to hold the shoulders of an evacuation route to be able to do that. we need to provide an additional problem set to putin and his generals, and that's with a nato naval force off the coast. we need to provide the ukrainian people the vision of capital ships prepared to execute a very lethal attack on any russian naval assets. that is an opportunity to
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provide putin something to worry about. we can do the same thing as far as a standoff naval force. there's a lot we need to do to provide a worrisome environment to president putin. >> general paul eaton, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and those ideas with us. oil execs in the hot seat as lawmakers grill them about sky high prices. is corporate greed to blame? it's the number one doctor recommended d brand that is scientifically designed to help m manage your blood sugar. lilive every moment. glucerna.
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today top oil executives are facing u.s. lawmakers answering questions about investments in russia and the high gas prices here at home. today they pledged quickly to cut ties with russia and defended their investments in the country, but they denied accusations of price gouging. the national average for gas is down from march 11, a high of $4.33, and you can see it's now $4.16 a gallon today. look how high a year ago. today's hearing comes a day after exxon mobil estimated
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quarterly profits could total $11 billion. profits. the highest in a decade. the company's ceo insisted the jump in profits has nothing to do with price gouging. >> no single company sets the price of oil or gasoline. the market establishing the price based on available supply and the demand for that supply. continued investments in new production is the only way to achieve balanced markets and more affordable prices that bring real relief at the pump. >> let's discuss with robert reich, former labor secretary and professor of public policy and daniel rainy, fellow at resources for the future. gentlemen, thanks for being with us. secretary reich, your reaction to what we just heard from the head of exxon essentially saying don't blame us. >> well, i'd be skeptical. the reason is oil companies are
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buying back their shares of stock. last year the big four bought back $44 billion worth of shares of stock. now buying back your share of a stock is completely legal. it does prop up the share prices of your stock. but if you have so much money you're buying back shares of stock why not use the money, instead, to reduce the price at the pump? this year we hear oil companies, the big -- again, the biggest oil companies, are planning to increase their buybacks to about $74 billion this year. why not take that $74 billion and simply give it to consumers in terms of lower prices? this is what we traditionally call profiteering. it should be illegal. why should people be paying at the pump so much money so these companies can essentially prop up their per share prices?
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>> daniel, we know it's complicated but can you just boil it down, is greed from oil companies to blame for the high prices right now? >> you're right. it is complicated. viewers at home and americans, especially low-income households, are suffering from the high energy prices. the finger pointing we see in congress from both sides is shedding more heat than light. there are literally thousands of oil and gas producers in the united states, some of them very large, most very small, and they do not set prices. oil prices and gasoline prices are really set by global market forces. today's high prices are mostly driven by market fundamentals and the russian invasion of ukraine. the best way to reduce exposure is to gradually reduce oil consumption and move towards an economy that's less reliant on fossil fuels which have the benefit of addressing climate
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change. >> that's not going to improve the situation right now. people have to drive right now. not everybody has an electric vehicle, right, and so in terms of the shorter term solution, let me bump this back to secretary reich, you've advocated for increased production by the oil companies. do you think that's the answer right now? >> no. i've advocated for a movement from oil production to green energy. wind and solar and so on. and the oil companies -- >> but right now what do you do about the prices? >> the best thing to do right now, sheldon whitehouse, under sheldon whitehouse and others in the senate a windfall profits tax. you tax their windfall profits, they are making over and above what they are paying for crude oil. you tax it and return it to
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consumers. that's the best thing to do right now. >> daniel, do you see that as a solution? >> that may help alleviate some of the short-term pain. tapping the reserve have resulted in some lower prices. a little history here is useful. in the 2010s multiple boone cycles of drilling in the shale patch. companies were so successful they lowered prices over the years and most lost money. investors are now demanding that companies like those who are testifying today limit their drilling and focus on only producing the most profitable sites and deliver a return. this is why we are seeing more share buybacks and capital discipline because they have not been profitable in recent years and investors are looking for a return to profitability as they are in any other sector of the economy. >> but they are making profits. we just reported about exxon's profit, that it could be record
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profits, $11 billion for the last quarter. so that doesn't add up. that just feels like their answer of, oh, well, we don't want to hurt our investors. it seems silly. >> exactly. there's no point in debating whether companies should have profits. of course companies need to have profits and shareholders want and put pressure on companies to have profits, but we are in a special situation right now. there is a war going on, a lot of people are being asked to sacrifice and what's happening at the gas pump americans are paying more than $4 per gallon at the gas pump but that money is not going to pay for crude oil. they are buying back shares of stock. that is called profit earring or
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gouging. that should not be allowed. the best, immediate way of dealing with that. >> several governors have implemented gas tax holidays and estate gas tax average is 39 cents per gallon, so subtract that from the price of the pump . what do you think of that idea, daniel? >> i think that's a short sided solution to a longer term problem. transportation funding, including -- especially at the federal level, has fallen well short of what we've needed in recent years because gasoline taxes have been too low both at the federal level and at the state level. if we want to be serious about addressing our transportation infrastructure and addressing climate change, the answer is not lower gas taxes or gas tax holi holidays that set long-term structural problems we have to deal with in the future.
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>> daniel raimi and secretary reich, thank you for being with us. oklahoma lawmakers just gave the final okay on a near total abortion ban. now it's up to the governor. anand we started noticing some allergy symptoms. we heard about the farmerer's dog and it wasas a complete transformation. his allergrgies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it's a no-brainer that remi should have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪ get started at you never know what opportunities life will send your way. but if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, enbrel can help you say i'm in for what's next. ready create a bigger world? -i'm in. ready to earn th “world's greatest dad” mug? -i'm in. care to play aigger role in this community? -i'm in.
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oklahoma's legislature has passed a bill that would make performing an abortion a felony. the republican governor is expected to sign this legislation. if and when he does it will be the most restrictive abortion law in the country. lucy, this bill far surpasses texas' so-called heartbeat bill. what does it say?
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>> reporter: that's right, ana. perhaps the only thing that supporters and opponents of the bill agree on it's one of the harshest anti-abortion measures in the nation at the moment, a near total ban that would make it a felony for doctors and medical professionals to perform abortions except in cases of life-threatening medical emergencies with punishments including fines of up to $100,000 and imprisonment of up to ten years behind bars. now this does not provide exceptions in cases of rape and incest. the republican governor promising to sign this into law. when he does without judicial intervention, abortion rights will effectively end in oklahoma over the summer. what's happening in oklahoma will impact women in the region. women in the lone star state started flocking to oklahoma for reproductive health services. approximately 45% of texas patients who have left the state for abortions have come to
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oklahoma for treatment according to a recent study from the university of texas at austin. this leaves women in the region with extremely limited options for reproductive health and of course, ana, women who can afford to travel out of state for treatment, who can afford to take time off work to find child care. if you are poor and you live in texas or soon oklahoma, you could soon be left with virtually no options. and all of this part of a broader push by republican-led states to curtail abortion rights in anticipation of a pending supreme court decision on a mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. the conservative majority on the supreme court, if they uphold that law, it could result in roe v. wade being overturned or substantially weakened. and that has prompted left leaning states like colorado to enact laws enshrining women to the right of having an abortion. >> thank you for your reporting. meantime, attorney general
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merrick garland says the justice department sees what is happening in ukraine and is doing something about it. how the doj is working to identify those responsible for the attack. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly livers quality candidates matching your job description. vit get up and go with best western rewards! the right place, the right value, right where you're wanting to be. ready to welcome you. let's go. stay safe. now get double best western rewards points on every stay. and with rewards points that never expire
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it does not matter how far you sail a yacht. how well you can sail. it does not matter how cleverly you right your malware. the justice department will use every available tool to find you, disrupt your plots, and hold you accountable. >> merrick garland announcing -- seizing a yacht. jessica schneider joins us now. talk us through all this. >> this is really amounting to a rapid succession of crackdowns and it's really the result of
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some quick work by the clepto capture task force. the goal of the team is twofold. their renewing their ability to prosecute these oligarchs and enforcing sanctions. today, the doj unsealed the first charges against a russian oligarch. he had sanctions imposed on him years ago and now he's charged with attempting to evade those sanctions by working with other coconspirators to run media outlets across europe. so that's one thing. doj fbi also announced they thwarted what could have been a cyber attack in ukraine. and this all comes on top of what we saw on monday when u.s. officials worked with partners in spain to actually seize a russian oligarch's $90 million
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yacht. so we're seeing this rapid succession of crackdowns from u.s. officials and they say they're doing this to send a message to enablers of the russian regime and they say they're renewing their focus to target really the illegal activity that's been going on perhaps for years of these russian oligarchs who have significant influence. finally on a bit of a separate matter, doj also announced they're assisting european counterparting collecting evidence for potential war crimes prosecutions relating to russia and ukraine. they spent days meeting with officials, so there has been a lot of work from the doj and the fbi really very quickly here and they say this is just the beginning. a lot to come in the days and weeks ahead here. >> thank you. that does it for us today. i'll see you back here tomorrow. same time, same place. until then, join me on twitter. the news continues right after a quick break. r first "big boi ho"
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hello, i'm victor blackwell. welcome. >> the u.s. believes russian for forces have completely withdrawn from the area around kyiv and chv.


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